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The warpig has 15mm concave with gas pedals. The board is 37" long and 9.75" at the widest part. The board has been hand made and the graphic of the farting pig has been burnt into the wood. The board comes with grip on the main standing platform.

The Warpig

The Thaning Devil has 15mm concave with gas pedals. The board is 37" long and 9.75" at the widest part. The board has been hand made and the graphic of the devil has been draw on on by Dom Ditchburn along with the dickies decks under the graphic. The board comes with grip on the main standing platform.

The Thaning Devil

The purple stain has 17mm concave with gas pedals. The board is 36" long and 9.75" at the widest part. The board has been hand made and the graphic of Dickies Decks has been draw on on by Dom Ditchburn. The board comes with grip on the main standing platform.

The Purple Stain


The Vgazzler has 17mm concave with gas pedals and locks for your feet to fit into for some extra locking. The board is 36" long and 9.75" at the widest part. The board has been hand made and Carbon sticker finish. The board comes with grip on the main standing platform.

All boards can have slight changes to them such as length up to 48 inches and width up to 10 inches

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